Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keep New Smyrna Quaint

There is a proposal currently before the New Symrna City Commissioners asking for permission to build a 125 room hotel and a three or four story enclosed parking garage on Flagler Avenue. Orlando just did a major bust in an enclosed parking garage for drugs and prostitution. Do we really want all of the additional traffic on Flagler (you know how it is on holidays and Saturdays and Sundays)? Do we want the clientele that this hotel may attract, as it will not have any kitchen facilities (which means no families with children)? What about the water run-off if the low lot on Florida is filled in. The residents on the north causeway have already put a stop to this on the causeway. Now we need to put a stop to it beachside. Yes, New Smyrna could use a nice hotel, but this is not the place. Too bad the city decided to build the new fire station on the valuable piece of land on 3rd Avenue (where the putt-putt golf business was). That would have been a great place. New Smyrna is what it is because it is quaint. Do we really want to ruin that?
What are your thoughts.


jc pennington said...

Don't forget the residents' meeting Wednesday March 19, 2008 at the Coronado Methodist Church at 6:00 pm. Information from the meeting will be posted on this blog site.

nsbmom said...

I added this to my blog, I get quite a few hits and I will be happy to help you get the word out.

nsbmom said...

sorry forgot the link

Anonymous said...

This is a bit far fetched for NSB....this is not an urban area and the population and the police force will not allow this to occur. I am for the hotel. Volusia and Brevard Counties are in rough times with employment. Foreclosures are at an all time high and people cannot pay their bills and they are spending more $$ with longer commutes to neighboring counties. This new hotel will provide a financially stable environment for people to earn a steady paycheck in construction and when open. Most importantly it will bring business to the stores and restaurants on Flagler....which have had a slow last few years.

I think this will be a change, but with the proper zoning limitations and work with the community, this could have a more positive than negative impact on our community.

Unknown said...

As a Flagler Avenue merchant and beachside resident (Peninsula Ave) I'm disappointed at your comments and assumptions which in my opinion are meant to inflame people vs inform them regarding the proposed hotel project.

Your comment "Orlando just did a major bust in an enclosed parking garage for drugs and prostitution." does not apply to New Smyrna or this project. First of all, New Smyrna does not have the crime rate that Orlando does. Secondly was this "bust" in a Hampton Inn Suites enclosed parking garage? What neighborhood in Orlando was it in? Your assumption that because there was one bust in one parking garage means that all parking garages are crack & prostitution dens is simply untrue.

Your assumption that because the hotel does not have kitchens (aka not a condo) means that it will attract unsavory clientele "Do we want the clientele that this hotel may attract, as it will not have any kitchen facilities (which means no families with children)?" is rediculous. Only facilities with kitchens attract good customers? People with families never stay at hotels? All you have to do is take a look at the project this developer did in Savannah, Georgia.... Does this look like a drug haven for unsavory characters we dont' want in our town? I don't think so!!

"What about the water run-off if the low lot on Florida is filled in." Actually I believe you attended the last Merchants meeting to learn about the project and this issue was addressed.... The hotel will be required to create a water retention facility (actually under the parking garage) that is capable of holding the MAXIMUM rainfall we've had in the past 100 years. Not the average but hte MAXIMUM! That means that they would be replacing a mosquito breeding ground with a modern facility to handle more than what the current lot holds. Personally I don't see a big lot filled with water and mosquitos as quaint. And they are trying to figure out how to reutilize that run off to water the property.

I agree with one thing you said and that is "New Smyrna is what it is because it is quaint." However your assumption "Do we really want to ruin that?" that a hotel will ruin the quaintness is only a matter of opinion. I think that driving down what is supposed to be our little historic district to see closed up businesses and vacant buildings ruins the impression that we are quaint and leaves the impression we are dying.

I attended the same meeting and what I heard was a developer with roots in the community, an architecht who has over 14 years on the historic society and who designed Riverview, a design that is in keeping with the current character of our street and hides the hotel and garage with mature 30 ft trees, 45 new jobs and 20 MILLION dollars of revenue annually to our city.

If you truly care about the people who actually live and work beachside then I encourage you to come to this meeting with an open mind and listen to the proposal and ask questions vs coming with your fears. I've heard so many untrue rumors based on fears and assumptions instead of facts. Come listen and learn and decide your support or lack of it based on the facts not rumors being spread by a small number of folks that live on Florida Avenue.

I support this project especially with the cooperation and input from the residents and merchants it will effect. We CAN make something that adds to the the character and charm of our street and our economy. And we do have a developer that wants to and is willing to work with us to create that. All growth is not bad. This project could be the much needed shot in the arm that our community so desperately needs.

jc pennington said...

The meeting was held on March 19, 2008 with the developer giving his presentation of the proposed hotel and parking garage. Approximately 100 people attended which included 2 representatives from the CRA and some merchants. Many important issues were brought up by the residents and responses were given by the developer. Reporters from the HomeTownNews and the News Journal were there. Watch for these articles. The consensus among most of the residents who attended was that they did not object to the hotel, but did object to the location for the hotel. Some of the comments left were: Bring it to a vote - Vote no to protect. Locals have enough traffic on Flagler and Peninsula daily and worse when bridge is open. Go smaller to fit in with our quaint seaside town(this was addressed by the developer as not economically feasible for his company). Why take down the beautiful live oaks and retain an orange tree? Projected numbers (income for the city) - no guarentee - where did you arrive at those numbers? Taking away from our small town feeling and environment. Some people in this room possibly moved to NSB from a place with projects this - we live here to avoid. What other locations have been considered which would eliminate the congestion and would prevent the destruction of the historic character of NSB and Flagler Avenue? Sounds like a positive addition of NSB. Let's focus on addressing objections and reaching some recommodatins - but lets make it happen. What streets will be used for building the bldg? Where will the construction workers park?(The developer said that construction would take a year.)

We were very encouraged with the turn out on such short notice and with ony a very few people trying to hand out flyers. We are hoping that the next meeting will have 200 people and then 400. There was overwhelming support by applause when it was suggested to the developer - build your hotel, but put it in another location.

We are planning another meeting within the next 30 days - but for now will focus on the next CRA meeting and City Commissioner meeting and the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. The dates will be posted on this site. Please plan to attend and bring as many people as you can. Your voices can be heard - but only if you are there.

jc pennington said...